Through fundraising, public donations and corporate sponsorship we can provide our “Drugs – The Truth” educational resources, direct into schools across the UK ensuring that every child has the right information and facts!
Teachers can plan educational classes based around our Drugs: The Truth booklets and PowerPoint lessons. The lessons highlight the Laws, Dangers, Health and Social implications of the use and misuse of drugs, alcohol and legal highs. With 50% of violent crime in the UK drug or alcohol related, we hope to reduce the number of children turning to drugs and alcohol, we hope to break the taboo about having open and honest discussions about drugs and their use amongst young adults and educating at grassroots levels using the most up to date information, ensuring each child has access to this invaluable information leading to making informed decisions when it comes to drugs and alcohol.
By supporting the ‘Drug Watch Foundation’ you can help us raise drug awareness and spread our message throughout schools across the UK.